Thursday 28 February 2013

Monday 18 February 2013

Médano Indeciso at the Hangover Lounge

there's quite a bit of footage about from this weekend's excellent shows, so to start with, here's a little run through of Médano Indeciso before the adoring crowds arrived

Thursday 14 February 2013

Limay available this weekend

While we wait for the vinyl to arrive - two weeks, tops - treat yourself to one of these CDs. These beauties come in a hand-printed sleeve and contain a voucher which can be redeemed for a free copy of the LP. There are 30 copies only.

Monday 11 February 2013

a weekend of free shows in London

oh yes...

on Saturday, 16th Feb 2013, from midday at the Union Chapel, Hacia Dos Veranos are playing alongside Withered Hand and the Understudies...

and then on Sunday 17th Feb, from 2pm, they are playing (acoustically this time) alongside Moxham & Halliday (with Stuart Moxham from Young Marble Giants) and Flowers

both are FREE!... both will be AMAZING... and there are VERY special guests playing at both shows

Wednesday 6 February 2013